Training Resource

Intersectionality of Trauma and Disabilities Workshops

Traditional disability assessments and interventions are largely absent of trauma-informed resources. Individuals with disabilities are at significantly greater risk of experiencing traumatic events, thus it is imperative that professionals working with these populations have foundational knowledge of trauma-informed principles. Further, BIPOC communities have disproportionate representation in disability communities, yet, culturally responsive interventions for these populations are sparse.
Dr. Ferguson has developed foundational trainings/workshops on trauma-informed, culturally competent care when working with disability populations. Contact her for a free consultation on services that can be provided for your organization.
Training Resource

Social Determinants of Health & Racial Trauma Workshops

Dr. Ferguson has worked with local, state, and national organizations to provide workshops and trainings on the need for reconceptualization of social determinants of health in efforts to promote trauma-informed communities with an emphasis on healing and addressing racial trauma. Her workshops incorporate psychological theories and principles to address implicit bias and build awareness of key concepts as they inform policy, intervention, research, teaching, and daily interaction.
If you are interested in collaborating on a workshop, contact Dr. Ferguson for a free consultation to determine your organization’s needs.
Training Resource

Parenting Culture

When I became a parent, I felt like something was missing. My cultural experiences weren’t represented or showcased in parenting resources or research. No matter who you are or where you come from, you’re bringing your culture with you. As parents, we should be equipped, regardless of race, to have conversations about identity and diversity with our children.  Let’s talk about it, and support our children across cultures.

Training Resource

Blindian & South Asian Mental Health Content

Learn about the nuances of the Blindian experience and ways to begin the healing journey.

Training Resource

Emotional Trauma in South Asian Women Workshops

It can sometimes feel like our every move is critiqued under a microscope and constantly compared to the next. While the critique may come from good intentions, the differing expectations can leave lasting physical and emotional effects (greater rates of anxiety, perfectionism, body dysmorphia, and depression). Overcoming these differing demands can be a long journey. It took me a long while to be able to say, “Yes, Aunty, I’ll take the second plate that you will inevitably force upon me; but you can hold the judgement about my weight on the side.”
Contact Dr. Ferguson for a free consultation on services that can be provided for your organization.